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a boy sat in the middle of the street

a boy sat in the middle of the street

almost lifeless, until a quick, shivering breath was visible in the cool, winter air

hair, curled where his head was placed the last time he slept

eyes, red as if the blood flowing through his face drowned the pupils

hands, calloused and bruised, blue tints a memory of nights with the whip at the stable


a boy sat in the middle of the street

newspaper in hand, never turning the page

bottle of water, unopened and untouched

pair of glasses sat next to him wondering where to go

face blue from the cold


a boy sat in the middle of the street

shattered pieces of glass surround his body forming a large circle

a single rose held in his hand, as each petal torn off slowly

the trail of torn petals on the snow covered ground burned to a crisp

deranged antlers lying beside him, a prop in the clean floor of the cold season


a boy sat in the middle of the street

body collapsed onto the bare road

a whimper forced out of his weak lungs

only after getting up is there the sight of the dead deer

single drop of blood shown, on the tip of his finger

last year-

a boy died in the middle of the street

-Jeffrey Yang

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